Friday, June 29, 2007

It started badly ...

... and got progressively worse. When I hopped on the scale this morning, I was extremely frustrated to see that it said exactly the same thing as it had yesterday and the day before. I walked away for a couple of hours, thinking Frank was just being tempermental. But when I came back, he said exactly the same thing. I was livid.

Now bear in mind that this is "Pre-Puffy Week" (AKA "I'm an Emotional Food-Craving Wreck" Week), and that I've been positively angelic since Monday. I'm also trying to stave off the monthly urge to eat every single salty and sweet thing in the house.

Today was a rotten day to be a "day-before-weigh-in day". I did nothing but gorge and graze. My points were gone by lunchtime. An hour ago I used up ten of the flexpoints I wasn't going to use this week. Now I'm just kicking myself knowing that the scale would have moved tomorrow morning and I've just tossed that out the window.

I feel like a big, fat failure.

Have no fear -- I'll be fine tomorrow. I'm just hanging my head tonight.

It's awful when you know better but can't seem to stop yourself from being a train wreck.

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