Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Devil on the Left Shoulder, Angel on the Right ...

Today was an awesome on-program day. I think I can safely say this because I met all the WW healthy guidelines, met my own "added healthy guidelines", and it's nearly 6:30 PM and I still have 2.6 points left for the day. Here comes the popcorn, baby!

While I was standing outside the store where I work, waiting for Hubby to pick me up, I suddenly found myself laughing hysterically. If I looked to my left, there it was: Boston Pizza, which is probably my favourite restaurant these days. A good chunk (no pun intended) of the weight I've put back on was bought and paid for at that particular establishment. Then, if I looked to my right, there it was -- the WW Centre. Too funny.

Once I got home, though, I decided to go online and do some investigating on the Boston Pizza website. You see, once I know how many points something is, it's often enough to make me stop wanting it. My brain, apparently, has the power to override the stomach, so long as it has enough ammo (ie nutritional info) and no massive emotions are involved. I looked up the nachos (ohhhhhh, the nachos) and when I saw the points (39!), I heard a REJECTION sticker being slammed down somewhere in my head.

So, just for fun, I am now sitting here listening to 80s music and typing all of the Boston Pizza nutritional info into a spreadsheet which I can then load into my Palm. As I'm entering info, I'm seeing things that are heart attacks waiting to happen, but also some things that I could work in without too much trouble. And I've decided that, once I have the info in the Palm, I'm going to start treating myself to Boston Pizza from time to time, in order to keep myself from feeling deprived. One of the things I like best about eating at restaurants is simply that I sit there and am served like a queen. What they serve me usually isn't as important.

Anyway, back to my typing.

(Anyone reading this? Or has everyone given up on me because of the lack of updates? *grin*)


Anonymous said...

Hey - you know I'm still here :) :)

I like the idea of figuring out what you can "fit in". and I like feeling like a queen too!!


Anonymous said...

I prefer to be treated like an "Imperious Leader"...


Anonymous said...

Oh, keeping restaurant nutritional info in your palm? Grat idea :)
