Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A little update

The last few days, I've been ravenous, and I know it's just because I've been so cold. I've been using flexpoints like there's no tomorrow, and no matter how good I am for breakfast and lunch, I'm starving by the time I get home. Yesterday, I cooked two healthy pizzas, with the intention of sticking one in the fridge for lunch today. Well, I ate them both. And today, even though I resisted the pound cake in the staff room (by mock-sobbing into the couch, I might add), I had a big supper of pasta, ground beef and a few other things tossed in for good measure.

I know it will get easier in the coming weeks, and I know there's no deadline (besides wanting to be skinny RIGHT NOW). So I'm not going to beat myself up over it. As long as I'm going in the right direction -- and I should leave the 250s behind me within the next week -- then it's still progress. And that's good.

I'll just do the best I can on any given day. And I'll get there.


Anonymous said...

What a GREAT way to think about this journey! I wish more people had this kind of attitude toward their "new healthy lifestyle". Good for you for resisting cake! We all go through spurts where we are super hungry and then it kinda goes away, keeping the extra stuff healthy is a good way to do it!
See you Sat!


Anonymous said...

Heelllloooo! A little too quiet here for me :)


Anonymous said...

I'd like an update are things going Karen? Also, how are you doing SisKris?