Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Saturday!

Just a quick note to say hello and to let you know that I not only got out of bed and got my butt to the early WW meeting, BUT I lost four pounds in the last two weeks. YAY! It was a great meeting (although I missed seeing a couple of people who have crazy schedules this week), and I was so happy to see one of the girls get her 50-pound ribbon. If you're reading this, YOU GO, GIRL!

We went and got groceries last night and I did a massive happy dance in the middle of "Temptation Aisle". We can now get 100-calorie packs of Doritos, SunChips, and Cheetos at my local grocery store. I'm sure they heard my gleeful shriek in produce (but that's okay, because they don't know me there). If Ben and Jerry's comes out with 100-calorie tubs of ice cream, then my life will be complete! (So what if they're the size of a teaspoon?)

I didn't make it to the gym today, though. I forgot to take food with me to WW (aside from a fruit snack thing), and I was starving by the time I got out of there. (I'd had an early supper last night, too, so I think that was part of the problem.) So I came home, and talked to SisKris on the phone, and had a strenuous three-hour nap instead. (Whaddaya mean, no activity points for that?)

So, that's the view from here today. The sun is getting stronger, and I'm feeling a little more like myself every day.

And I have 100-calorie Doritos.

Life, as they say, is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Been here peaking, thought I should let ya know! Good job last week on the loss!

Hope things are going well this week.