Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Since you're wondering ...

Hello, Gentle Readers. I know that things have been a little quiet around here lately. I just haven't had a whole lot to say.

The bad news? I keep gaining and losing the same ten pounds. The good news? I keep gaining and losing the same ten pounds. I'm in a bit of a "holding pattern" at the moment. Although spring is right around the corner, this is the most difficult time of year for me. They say it's always darkest before the dawn, and this time of year is rough. I have very little self-discipline where food is concerned, and I'm always starving.

I'm fighting the battle meal-by-meal, and I win some and I lose some. But the beauty of this thing is that I know I snap out of this the same time every year. (Right around St. Paddy's Day.) Hibernating bears wake up starving too -- maybe I have more in common with them than just the sleeping!

I haven't been to the gym in ages. I definitely need to start making that a priority. Besides sheer laziness and procrastination, I'm also a little scared of those dizzy spells I keep getting. My doc is sending me for bloodwork. Hopefully nothing is too out of whack.

Although I'm still craving and eating garbage, my attitudes towards food are changing. More later as I figure out how to better put it into words.

For now, I'm going to go to sleep so I don't have to hear my growling tummy any more tonight. *grin*


Anonymous said...

Good to hear from ya!! Sometimes we just have to start again each morning :) Keep on trying, the only failure is in giving up.


Anonymous said...

You can do it Karen...never give up. ust remember every time you eat or do something to help, it's one more than you would have done before! At least that's how I look at it :)

Keep it up!
