Saturday, August 12, 2006

WW Weigh-In #42 - 244.0 (down 7.0 lbs., 45.2 lost in total)

SEVEN POUNDS! That puts a dent in things. I know that it won't keep up at this pace, but it sure is a nice launching pad. I think it's more than reasonable to say that I'll be back to "virgin fat" (about twenty pounds) before winter hits.

After eating minimum points all last week (after eating all those cupcakes on Saturday and Sunday), it feels a little weird to have flexpoints again. A good weird, but weird just the same.

The Fundy Volkssport Club is having a 7 km walk tomorrow, and I'm toying with the idea of going and doing it. They say that the pace is going to be "moderate", so I can probably do it. And if I can't, I can just stop, turn around, and go home. :) It means getting up at 7:30 on a Sunday, but I think I can deal with that. And by the time I get home, Hubby will be ready to face the day. (And I might be ready for a nap!)

Anyway, I have a yard sale to go to (Yes, ML -- this means you!), so I'll sign off for now. Toodles!


Rosyphant said...

I'm glad you're back. The journey is more enjoyable when you've got great people with you.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your back too! Sorry I missed you yesterday morning - but will see you next Sat!