Friday, August 11, 2006


Normally I use that subject line when I'm working like crazy and waiting for the weekend, but in this case, it means something else entirely: I've been back on program all week now! With weigh-in tomorrow, it's just not in my nature to be bad on Friday, and I've been so good since Monday that I won't want to mess up my new week that starts tomorrow.

I'm back, people!

Yesterday I strayed a little bit from program, but I still did not go over points. It was Miracle Treat Day at DQ, you see, and since that was the first thing I'd heard when I woke up that morning (thanks to the clock radio), I was a little fixated. So I had my medium-sized Oreo Blizzard (all 15.7 points of it) and got it over with. I didn't get any water in yesterday, and only about two-thirds of my veggies, and I skipped the oil altogether. BUT I got in my 30 g of fibre, and I didn't go over my daily points target, AND I took in about 500 calories less than I burned, so hey. It's not going to kill me. (Although punching in the numbers, like the 71 g of sugar in that thing, was a little alarming.)

That's the one thing that has puzzled Hubby this week -- how, when I'm craving junk food, I spend hours typing nutritional information for the big fast food chains into my software and spreadsheets. He says, "Doesn't that just make you focus on it more?" And it does. But it makes me focus on just how bad it is for me. And so by having this information with me, and by looking it up before I order, I can talk myself out of it. It's like my brain and the Eating Machine can't rule me at the same time, so if I "prop up" the brain, I can stay in control. Fore-warned is fore-armed?

Time to fill the water bottle and go find some breakfast.

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