Monday, August 14, 2006

Working on the Weekend ...

Well, last week I messed up terribly on the weekend and then had a really good five days afterwards. Seeing as I'm sitting here with two bad evenings right behind me, let's see if I can salvage this week too.

I know what happened on Saturday. Since, if I'm doing the Wendie Plan, that's the day I should eat 42 points, I told Hubby that I could work in some French fries. Problem was, he didn't have them until after 8 PM. By then I'd given up on them (and was hungry!) so I'd eaten just about all 42 points. But then, before going downstairs to make them, he stopped to ask me if I wanted some. And since I'd been looking forward to them all day, I caved and said yes. And since I realized at that point that I was going to go way over my already-high points level for the day, I tossed in the towel and told him I wanted lots. Twenty-seven points' worth of French fries later ...

Last night it was just that I had the munchies. Really, really bad. And I was probably still beating myself up a bit for the night before, so I decided to punish myself just a bit more. I wasn't off the charts by any stretch of the imagination, but I still went over what I should have. And I forgot to drink water. No water all day.

So here we are at Monday. I find days that Hubby's not here easier to control, not because Hubby isn't someone I want around, but because I don't have to look at someone else eating anything. If I'm wavering at all, one look at his food will toss me over the edge. Last night it was his chicken and rice that did it. Not his fault -- the man has to eat -- but when the Eating Machine is rattling my chain, I can only beat it off with a stick for so long.

Yesterday was the Marathon By the Sea. I just finished talking to my friend who did the half-marathon, and told him that if I can get my weight down to where it starts with a 1 instead of a 2 in time to start training, I want to do the 5-Miler next year. He said that should be definitely do-able, and assured me that my worst fear would not happen: "You won't be last".

So these are my plans as of this morning. I need to go find some food, since I'm falling into the habit of not eating breakfast but instead winding up with sort of a grazing brunch, and I'm going too long without eating. Need to focus on the rest of the week, and make sure that I come out with a loss on Saturday. Gains are no longer permitted if it's something within my control. And this is under my control. It's just taking a little bit of time to get a really good grip on it.

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