Sunday, June 11, 2006

Why am I doing this again?

Don't answer that. I know why. Healthier, happier, yadda yadda yadda, ad nauseum, amen.

But I'm sitting here STARVING, in spite of having had a good-sized lunch, and *just* eating an All-Bran bar, and Hubby, who makes the best popcorn in the whole wide world, just walked by with his traditional Sunday feast of it.

Why must I always put myself back on program heading into That Week? Sometimes I think I'm not very bright. :)

Oddly enough, this is one of those times when drinking vast amounts of water in order to fill up only makes me even hungrier. Today is a "bare minimum points" day, so I'm having my target and that's it. I know I can ride this out because I was at Bulk Barn to pick up some Spud Delites, and in spite of being unsupervised, I didn't cave to all of the snacks that were screaming my name. But I may need to go to bed soon, if only to kill some time before supper.

You guys would be so proud of me. I've planned out the rest of the day, and even though I despise it, I'm not swapping out the oil for a bag of Spud Delites. It's soooo tempting, as I get *no* satisfaction whatsoever from the oil, but if I'm on-program, then I'm on-program, dammit.

Now I've got the Rolling Stones playing in my head.



Anonymous said...

Looking for today's update...I hope that all is going well Karen.

You are doing it because you are worth it...keep pluggin along!


mare said...

hey... don't leave us hangin'... how are you doing?

*supportive hug*