Monday, June 05, 2006

Monday, Monday ...

I knew that going to bed starving last night had to serve a purpose. The weight continues to come off. Two more down. Amazing what being "on-program" does.

On Saturday, I thought I'd test my limits, so I ate a HUGE amount of points to see how my new-and-improved digestive system would cope (and it did just fine). Because of this, I didn't want to eat any flex yesterday (finally caved and had a one-point hot chocolate). At the rate I'm going, I will have lost all of the extra I'd gained back by the time I weigh in on Saturday morning. Not bad at all.

Hubby is surprised, I think, by just how fast I got back on the wagon. If I'm being completely honest, I'm kind of surprised too. After all, how many times have I done so well, then lost momentum, went off-program and gained it all back again? I can't tell you how relieved I am that my gut feeling (pardon the pun) was right, and that I was only derailed by the health issue.

My "glorified paper-cuts" are healing nicely. I keep them covered with band-aids because they don't like my clothes rubbing against them, but they're doing well. There's just one that I'm "hmm"-ing about. I'm seeing my family doctor in about an hour for my "yearly girl exam", so I think I'll get him to take a peek, since I'll be practically naked anyway.

I'm getting stronger, and I can sleep on my stomach again. I still have to roll off the bed, rather than just sit up, and I still tire easily, but what a huge difference a week makes. For the most part, as long as I don't bend or stretch certain ways, I'm okay. I just have to remember to continue to behave myself so that I don't over-do it like I did last week.

And that's the news from here. :)

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