Monday, June 05, 2006

Back from the doc.

Glad that test is over with for another year. ;)

I love my doc -- he's great -- and his wife, who work there as a nurse, is wonderful too. Together, they are so much fun. Anyway, today they were talking to me about my weight loss, asking how much so far, and things like that. At one point, the doc said. "You're going to be a model before you're done!" (Now you see why I like them.)

After my exam, I asked him to look at my "questionably-healthy" incision, and he agreed that it looked a little "off", so he prescribed some antibiotic cream. Then we took a look at my bloodwork and to my shock, it turns out that my thyroid medication isn't enough anymore. I would have thought, with the weight loss, it would have gone the other way, but I'm perpetually perplexed by my body, so what do I know? I guess the thyroid has been a little sluggish for the past little while, which means it have might have even slowing down the weight loss, and the new prescription will perk it up a little. "Hey!" I said. "This means I'll become a supermodel even faster!" He laughed at that one.

So, aside from needing this cream, looks like all of my ducks are in a row. That makes me happy. I don't want anything else getting in my way. I have a job to do, and I want to get it done.

1 comment:

mare said...

i give you the words of bumper stickers we saw in maine last year: "git 'er dun!!!!"

;) good to see you're back on track. keep up the good work!