Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mr. GB Update

Well, I spent last night at the hospital. Mr. GB reared his ugly head in a big way at about 9 PM, and by 10 PM, I was doubled-over in the emergency room, unable to even lift my head without involuntarily screaming. After I came home this morning, I spent most of the day sleeping off the Demerol.

My surgeon asked me what I'd eaten yesterday and said that none of it should have sent me into the absolute worst pain I have ever had in my life. I won't wax poetic on the depths of the agony, but let's just say that I am well-known for my aversion to needles and I barely noticed them putting the IV in.

Because I was pain-free when the surgeon saw me this morning, they didn't rush me to surgery today. Dr. M. did say, however, that he's going to try to get me in in a matter of weeks rather than months. Thank heavens.

I can't begin to tell you how awful it was. What I can tell you is that it took two IV baggies of Demerol (and one of Buscopan that didn't do anything) to beat Mr. GB into submission. Hubby begged me to be careful with what I eat from here on in, but he needn't have asked. I'm scared to eat anything at all.

Sharon, if you're reading this: I'm thinking of you as I now embark upon my new, steady diet of baked potatoes.

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