Tuesday, May 09, 2006


11:00 AM today - jolt of pain in abdomen

11:10 AM today - decide I should try to get someone to cover C-Block in case throbbing pain goes full-scale attack.

11:20 AM today - eat a roll in the hopes it's just hunger and will go away.

11:30 AM today - realize pain is getting worse instead of going away. Pain has settled in traditional gallbladder attack area.

11:40 AM today - talk to Barry H., give up a half day's work, and go home to wait for it to get bad enough to go to the hospital.

12:15 PM today - ate some corn chips and rice cakes.

12:30 PM today - laid down for a bit

1:00 PM today - realized pain was lessening.

2:52 PM - FELT FINE.


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