Monday, April 24, 2006

Well, isn't that interesting.

Because I find visual aides helpful when I'm trying to remind myself how well I've done, I pulled up the Charts section of my software (Weight By Date Pro) and realized two things.

First of all, I've basically been "successfully maintaining" for two months. Secondly, the point at which I stopped making progress (the red line I added to the chart above) coincides exactly with my first round with Mr. GB.

In other words, that's when I let go of the controls because I felt they had been taken from me.

Time to take them back.


Anonymous said...

just wanted to say hi and let ya know I check in frequently, just dont always respond :)

Visuals are a good thing! and I am glad that you enjoyed the meeting on Sat.


mare said...

i think you'll be relieved once you see the surgeon, if nothing else. and that will help you get mentally back in the game. does that make sense?

anyway, good luck at the surgeon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen: I am sorry to hear that Mr. GB is being a pain (pardon the pun!). I hope that you get some news soon and can get it looked after. I am sure it is not fun for you.

I enjoy reading your website and I really enjoyed seeing the chart that you added. Keep at IS worth it!