Monday, April 24, 2006

Doing okay ...

My face looks like it's falling apart -- it's gone scaly and looks like it has deep creases in spots that never had them before. It's itchy, too, and driving me nuts. I desperately want to take a Benadryl to make it stop, but I won't, because a) it'll knock me out the rest of the night, and b) I want the doctor to be able to see it in all its finery when I see him tomorrow.

So I see the surgeon tomorrow and find out about what we're going to do with Mr. Gallbladder (and hopefully when). I want the actual gallstones (when they're done with them) for the school's biology department. I will scrapbook them, too, of course, but a picture will do. Most of all, I just want to see the little beggars that have been causing me so much misery.

Enough of that.

I think I have found a water bottle that's the perfect size to help me get the water in at school. It's 750 ml, so if I drink one bottle in the morning, just sipping it at the desk, then one after lunch, that only leaves two more once I get home from school to get me up to my three litres. I'm liking it.

Speaking of things I like -- I cannot have the Nature Valley Sweet and Salty granola bars in my house. Think Lion + Raw Porterhouse, and you'll get the idea of just how long they lasted. Oh, but they were so good. I wish I could just buy them one at a time because they'd make a great chocolate bar substitute when a Thin just won't cut it. But the box of five was gone in under 24 hours. Definitely not good.

When I left school to come home today, I had a pang in my stomach. What I don't like is that a hunger pang and the beginnings of Mr. GB acting up feel *identical*. But I realized that I'd had a light lunch, and it had been three hours since that lunch, so odds were good it was just hunger. What I hate most about this situation is that it's attacking what I prize the most -- my reliability when it comes to my job. I like to be the one people know they can count on, and right now I'm even second-guessing myself. I don't know what's coming, or when, and I hate it.

I'm on program today and that makes me feel like I have a little more control over my life. This is a good thing. I'd like to see the end of the 220s at some point before summer. (I'm still at 228.6.)

I decided I needed a visual reminder of what I'm doing, and how well I've done so far. For whatever reason, the TickerFactory ticker decided that this is what it should look like, so who am I to argue?

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