Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Is it Wednesday already?

I'm pretty well off-program this week, I think. I do really, really well until suppertime, and then the dam breaks. I do, however, have a plan. Hubby is working on a Top Secret Project (tm) and was asking for my expertise about polymer clay last night. Well, for fun, I decided to test out my new pasta machine (for clay) and spent a good hour just playing.

What does this have to do with weight loss? Well, polymer clay, you see, has a mild toxicity level to it. You are not, for example, supposed to use the same plates for baking it that you use for eating. That pasta machine will never see anything *but* polymer clay go through it, and I am religious when it comes to washing my hands after using it. So if I start playing with the clay immediately after supper, I'll get immersed in what I'm doing, *and* I won't be able to eat. Let's give it a shot.

Met with the surgeon yesterday and he drew a picture of the size of my gallstones for me. They are 1-2 mm in diameter. I don't know how something that small can cause so much misery, but I guess it just depends on how small a space it's clogging up. Anyway, he figures I'm within the 90% who can have the "easy-recovery-four-little-holes" surgery (but he won't know for sure 'til he gets there), and that surgery will be in 2-3 months. He also stressed that if I wind up back at the hospital emergency room to let them know I'm on the waiting list for surgery. Aside from telling me what warning signs of complications to look out for, and congratulating me on my weight loss ("You used to weigh almost 300 pounds?!"), that was pretty much it. The weight loss, it seems, just brought on the trouble a little sooner than I would have had it eventually if I'd stayed extra-large, and I can deal with that.

I don't like the waiting game, and I don't like still feeling uneasy every time I take a bite of food, or every time I feel something from my stomach-area, but at least now I know that if/when I do have another attack, it may serve the purpose of moving me up the waiting list. And I can live with almost anything as long as I can see its usefulness.

Have to take my dog to the vet tonight. Had to take her anyway because she needs her shots, but she's got some weird thing going on with her eye that needs looking at. Anyone who knows me in real-life knows that this dog is my heart and soul, and I hate the fact that she's now more than eleven years old and in the twilight of our years together. Anyway, we had a great day on Sunday, with a good long walk in Rockwood Park (I tired her out, though), and then driving in the car, and then a DQ kiddie cone for her (and I might've had a small cone too, and it might've been chocolate-dipped, but I walked, dagnabbit). One of my priorities these days is making sure that she has a very happy life, and that I will have absolutely no regrets about not having spent enough quality time with her when the time comes for her to go to the Bridge.

Anyway, I'm supposed to be getting ready for work here, so I'd best get my butt in gear. But I didn't want to leave you in the lurch about what's going on. Oh, and I can't keep my gallstones. Apparently the new rule is that they have to go straight to the path lab. Bummer.

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