Saturday, March 25, 2006

WW Weigh-In: Week 31 -- 227.4 lbs (4.6 down this week; 61.8 WW total)

Back to virgin fat once again! YAY! :)

Had a good meeting. I love my meeting -- have I mentioned that before? Such good people there, and I don't mean just those of us in my row. Besides my impressive weight loss (patting myself on the back), I also won the 50/50 draw today. I put most of the money in my car's gas tank, then went to the zoo for some fresh air and conversation with endangered species.

With my day going great thus far, I had to buy a lottery ticket too. (crossing fingers)

I've decided to drop down to the next points target and get it over with. I'm close enough to give it a shot, and if I eat a few more flexpoints this week than usual, that's okay. I just figure that if that's what's been bugging me, it's better to plow through it than let it impede my progress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back on track again! You're looking fantastic...