Thursday, March 30, 2006

Quick Update

First of all, thank you so much to those of you who are leaving comments. It really helps, knowing you're all supporting me on this journey. It's purely coincidence, but I tend to read the comments around the same time the Eating Machine starts complaining it has the munchies.

It has been a really rough week at work, but I am proud to say I haven't been ploughing through the fridge. I've eaten more flexpoints than normal, but since I dropped my daily points target, I'm sure it probably evens out. And it's Thursday now, which is when my "must be good 'til weigh-in" mentality kicks in.

Hopped on the scale this morning and it showed a good little drop, so I'm happy. I haven't been getting in my water this week, so I'll take what I can get.

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