Friday, March 24, 2006

I love Fridays.

So, here it is, the day before weigh-in, and I'm still on track. I didn't have the required oil yesterday, but I ask you: Oil or popcorn? Which would you choose? :)

Yesterday was a fun day at school. Two students commented on my appearance, and another teacher called, "Hey, Skinny!" at me down an empty hallway. And I actually turned to look. :)

I found an innovative way to get in some exercise yesterday. I actually walked 0.85 km -- in the physics lab! I first moved away from the desk to get the overhead notes off my face (and so they could read them to write them down). Then I noticed that there was a nice, clear path all the way around the room. I was bored out of my skull, so I decided to do a lap. As I was completing the lap (at my usual level-ground "good clip"), I thought, "I wonder what they'll do if I just keep doing this."

By Lap Three, a student had commented quietly. By Lap Five, another had asked what I was doing. By Lap Seven, I had decided to get them to do some calculations about my weird behaviour. And by Lap 21, I had figured out how many steps in each lap, how long each lap took, and my average stride. The kids didn't have enough time to do the calculations, but I crunched some numbers and discovered I had walked .85 km at an average speed of 5 km/h. (I later told the physics teacher if he caught me running in circles in his lab at lunchtime to not be alarmed.)

It actually felt kind of good. I enjoyed eating the extra calories when I got home. And, assuming that Frank didn't lie to me, I reached a brand-new low this morning! Yee-haaa!


mare said...

good job, karen! it's obvious to all that you are on a roll. :)

and totally popcorn, i concur. unless it's popcorn in the staff room, because you know those microwaves burn the crap out of it.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had been a fly on the wall in your classroom. I would have pom poms in my hands cheering you on..."Go Karen Go"!!!
Good for getting back on track-good luck with the weigh in Saturday morning!