Sunday, March 05, 2006

Happy birthday to me!

I am thirty-six today, and more than sixty pounds lighter than I was a year ago. I like that.

What I don't like is the fact that I am getting what I unaffectionately call "weight loss fatigue". I feel like it's suffocating me right now, all of this constant thinking of food and wanting things I can't have. It's like a little toy hammer picking away at an aging wall. Eventually, it will get through and the wall will come down.

I was thinking of my super-quick trip to Halifax (I'm driving down today and back tomorrow) and decided what to do. I am taking a week's vacation from weight loss. Between now and next Saturday morning, I'm going to eat whatever I want, without thinking of the points, or the calories, or the fibre. I'm just going to eat what I want. If I want vegetables, I'll eat them. If I want a Big Mac, I'll eat it. And, in honour of my birthday, I will have my cake and eat it too!

The only stipulation? I MUST, without any hesitation, go right back on program on Saturday morning. I think I am strong enough to do that, and a break will re-ignite me. Besides, I know without a doubt that this vacation will result in my first gain at WW since I started way back in August. That "perfect record" has been hanging around my neck like the proverbial albatross, and I think it's time to get rid of it.

Now to go pack some food, since I have to hit the road soon. I think that bag of Cheerios Snack Mix is coming -- without the scale.

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