Saturday, January 28, 2006

WW Weigh-In: Week 23 -- 237.2 lbs (0.8 down this week; 52.0 total)

Just a little loss this week, but I knew it going in. Between it being the tail-end of "Puffy Week" and just not feeling like I'd lost anything, I wasn't expecting much.

After a brief period of "I doan wanna do this anymore", I seem to be back on track again. Some things still aren't happening (water and gym, of course), but food-wise I'm back to normal. Strange to think that eating healthily is my new "normal".

I learned the name of the lady who talked to me last week, and I was very happy for her today. After weeks on end of gaining and losing the same 0.2 lbs, she finally had a 4-lb loss. I was so happy for her that I had to high-five her before I left.

I like my WW meeting. It feels like a group of old friends now.

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