Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Another milestone.

Per Mary Lou's suggestion, I've been giving a lot of thought about how my "lightbulb moment" came to be, and why the weight loss is working this time. The bottom line is that I was ready, but the underlying question is, "Why?". When I figure it out, I'll let you know.

The scale dropped this morning. I'm feeling pretty rotten (cold, Mr. Cranky), so that was a nice surprise. It's official: I'm now just plain ol' "obese", instead of "severely obese", or the dreaded "morbidly obese" that I was when I started this journey. I have to go see my doctor soon for a yearly exam (or maybe antibiotics if this cold turns into bronchitis, as it does about half the time). His jaw is going to hit the floor when he sees me.

Today is going to be a "lay-low" day, to see if resting will prevent this cold from really taking hold. I have a busy five days ahead of me (I'm finally tackling this house!) and I don't have time for this. But I can spare one day if it'll help.

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