Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Soooo close ...

I'm creeping up on 60 lbs off.

My rings are starting to get too loose to wear. My birthstone ring that my mother-in-law gave me a few years ago now spins around my middle finger (the one I had it sized for) and will nearly fit on my thumb. All that's holding on my wedding ring is my engagement ring, and my high school ring (SJHS Class of 1988) that I used to need soap to get it on and off now turns easily and can be removed with no problems.

Last summer, before I began, my watch was on the last hole in the strap. It was so tight that it was cutting into my skin, to the point that it left a scar that I can still see. But I can now fit two fingers under the same strap. I've left my watch on that strap position because that, more than anything else, reminds me of just how far I've come. I know my face has changed, because I can see the difference when comparing pictures. But seeing such a difference, in such a tangible way, in an area not exactly known for spectacular weight loss -- that means a lot to me.

I'm all about visible signs. Like this one. :)

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