Saturday, January 21, 2006

WW Weigh-In: Week 22 -- 238.0 lbs (2.6 down this week; 51.2 total)

I got my 50-lb ribbon! WOOHOO!

I didn't even know there was such a thing as a 50-lb ribbon. My eyes lit up and I squealed with glee when I saw it in all its wonderful yellowness. :)

The numbers have finally hit me. I sat in the meeting and stared at the ribbon and realized that this time I am successful. I still have quite a way to go, but I'm going to get there. It scares me spitless, but I am happy.

On my way out of the meeting, a lady stopped me to ask me how I'm doing it. I told her the basics. Now that I'm thinking about it, I guess the "nutshell version" is that I'm keeping myself accountable. She asked if I have treats, and I told her about the monthly Treat Day, but that I always work it in. She asked if I exercised, and I told her I try to, but I'm not getting much these days. My WW leader often says she doesn't know why the last time "stuck" with her, and why she was able to do it. I don't know what my magic solution is, either. I just know that I found it, and Jenn has found it too. I am so excited for her, I can't even put it into words.

Full steam ahead, folks!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!!!! You deserve it!

Dr. Munchkin

Rosyphant said...

I was so happy we got ribbons on the same day :) My 10lb white one is now displayed proudly on the fridge. A happy reminder when I'm tired/stressed/rushed to remember to take time to plan and keep getting this done :)

Anonymous said...

It was too cool for me to give that ribbon!! (both of them :) )

It might be a good idea to think about why this is working at this time - maybe we can help someone else?

I know a few who are struggling to find their way back to being "on-track" and a few who are doing "everything right" and I beleive that they are - just some "tweaking" needed!

Good Job! and to rosyphant too!!

mare said...

i'm proud of you ladies. keep it up, i know you can. you're both on the right track... :)