Thursday, January 19, 2006

Random Thoughts

I think I have a new bedtime ritual. Last night, as I lay in bed trying to get to sleep, I realized I could feel my ribs. Not just a difference between the "hard part" (my rib cage) and the "soft part" (my stomach), but I could begin to feel the minute rise and fall of each individual rib. Instead of counting sheep like everyone else, I think I'll just count my ribs from now on.

In other news ... I realized this week that being as heavy as I used to be meant other, serious and unexpected problems that I can now avoid. Someone I work with at school was involved in a car accident, in which his van flipped over several times, with it eventually landing on the driver's door (his) side. This gentleman is very heavy-set, to the point that many people were all asking the same question: "How did they get him out?" That's something I'd never thought of before -- that if I were in a potentially life-endangering situation, would my weight alone make a difference in the degree of difficulty of helping me? Thankfully, the man was able to get out, and aside from being sore, he seems to be okay. But the situation did make me think.

January to mid-March is traditionally a very difficult time for me to try to lose weight, but I seem to be back on track again. I made it to the gym on Tuesday and plan to go again today. I'm a little sore from the gym on Tuesday, but it's mostly just my abs, which I worked for the first time the other day.

I've also been working on upping my water intake again, and since I'm almost at the half-way point of my flexpoints (where I usually cut myself off from them for the week), I'm being very careful in my planning. The last couple of nights I've felt a little hungry when I went to bed, but experience has shown me that it usually leads to a drop on the scale. And when I visited Frank this morning, there it was.

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