Saturday, January 14, 2006

WW Weigh-In: Week 21 -- 240.6 lbs (1.0 down this week; 48.6 total)

I had a great time at my WW meeting today. The number on the scale didn't quite reach 50 lbs. off, but after all of the fun I'd had eating in Halifax, I really didn't expect it to. I still was down a pound, so I was happy. But the best part about WW, besides the program itself, is the people. And today I saw so many people I knew that it was like Old Home Week.

I think the person I was most excited to see was Kelly, my former WW leader who has moved up through the ranks to become a regional manager. The last time I went to WW, Kelly was my leader, and until I met MaryLou, I didn't think I'd ever find someone as enthusiastic and compassionate and inspiring as Kelly. Kelly watched me as I lost thirty-some pounds ... and then gained it all back.

I think the biggest lesson I learned from that stint at WW is that I couldn't lose the weight for someone else -- I had to do it for myself. I desperately wanted to be successful because I knew Kelly was really rooting for me. But in order to face down the Eating Machine, on a continuous basis, I needed to be doing it for myself. My "lightbulb moment" came this past summer. As the pounds have come off this time, I had been thinking about Kelly a lot. So yesterday, when she weighed me in, I had a really great feeling of accomplishment, as well as being ecstatic at seeing an old friend.

As for the 50-lb ribbon for loss at WW, I'm pretty sure I'll hit it next week. I'm only 1.4 away from it, so it's definitely do-able. Let's aim for that ribbon!

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