Sunday, January 15, 2006

Goodbye, 240s!

I knew going to bed before I ate something else would pay off last night! *grin*

So, I'm now out of the 240s. It's kind of a weird feeling. The 290s are now so far away from me that they don't quite seem real anymore (although one glance at the newly-updated Photo Gallery brings on the harsh reality pretty quick!). The next significant goal on my list is going from a medical definition of "severely obese" to just plain ol' "obese", and that should be just around the corner.

This week I'm getting back on-program. I've been feeling kind of sick of this whole thing lately -- "weight loss fatigue", if you will. Remember that "endurance problem" I mentioned way back in the beginning? Well, it's been rearing its ugly head of late. Fortunately, my friend J has recently had her own "light bulb moment", and her enthusiasm is rubbing off on me. I'm very, very excited for her, but on a purely selfish note, it couldn't happen at a better time for me!

So I've got my water bottle here in front of me. I have planned everything I'm going to eat today because of our annual restauarnt outing with friends this evening. Fortunately for me, Boston Pizza has finally put their nutritional information online. Unfortunately for me, I now know there is NO WAY I'm going to have nachos there ever again. Look it up and you'll see why. (And if you're thinking Greek salad as a healthy choice? It checks in with 111g of fat in the meal size salad. Just get the fries and be done with it. They're only 9g of fat.)

Where was I? Oh, right. So, I have the water bottle at hand, and the day's food planned out, and I'm going back to the gym *tomorrow*. If I don't go tomorrow, find me and smack me upside the head, please. There is no point in not going to something that is good for me, that I actually enjoy once I get there, and, most of all, that I'm paying for.

Well, time to go get breakfast so I can get on with my day. It seems to me there's an eight-foot crunchy conifer in the livingroom that needs to leave, now that I think of it.

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