Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Can you say sixty-one?

I knew you could. :)

It's also the first day of the month, so I've updated the Weight Loss and Measurement pages of the website. I have noticed that I tend to lose more weight in the second-half of the month than in the first. Not sure why -- just an observation.

Speaking of observations ... Last night when I was talking to Jenn on the phone, I realized that this weight loss journey is almost like travelling backwards through time. With each new milestone I hit, I realize I'm at a weight that I was at in a particular point in my life. It almost feels like I'm getting younger. I'm smaller now than when I met my husband in 1993 (I was 23), and about the same as I was when I first started working at the Nova Scotia Hospital when I was 19 (1989). Jenn asked me what was the smallest size I could remember being, and when. I wore a size 14 dress (but most clothes were a 16) when I "graduated" from junior high in 1985.

I am going to be a "born-again skinny person" -- one who was never skinny in the first place.

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