Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday, Monday ...

Well, it's Monday again. It's amazing how fast the weeks fly by.

The weekend was good, program-wise. I used about 13 flexpoints on Saturday (I had a bag of mini rice cakes that took up nearly 10 of that, but it was more satisfying than 10 points of Doritos would have been, so I'm fine with that). My sodium was high that day, as a result, and I didn't get in my 25 grams of fibre, but that's okay. A day here and there won't kill me, and I had 6631 steps on the pedometer.

Speaking of the pedometer, it was about the only thing I didn't totally rock yesterday. Look at this data:

Points: 31.8 (target = 32)
Water: 3 litres (target = 3 litres)
All required fruits/veggies, milk, and oil boxes checked.
Ditto for the vitamin.
Fibre: 39 g (target = at least 25)
Protein: 59 g (target = at least 50)
Sodium: 2333 mg (target = 2400 or less)
Added Sugar: 43 g (target = 44 g or less)

So even though I only got in a measly 909 steps on the pedometer, yesterday rocked! It's rare that I hit all of my personal nutritional targets, and the WW guidelines, and not use any flexpoints. When you consider that this was a weekend, I am very proud of myself.

Let's keep the momentum going.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are doing great!!