Friday, May 11, 2007

Busy, busy, busy ...

Hey -- how's it going?

Things are looking up around here. I now have three jobs (yes, three -- that's not a typo) of varying degrees. I'm still substitute-teaching. I am also tutoring a student who has been out of school for several months due to medical issues, and now I work part-time at Michaels. In other words, my life is fuller, and I'm happier. Swamped, but happier.

The car is getting worse by the day, and I'm not driving it any more than I absolutely have to. This is kind of bugging me, not just because I have no idea how long it will take for me to put away enough cash to get it fixed, but because I'm restless today, and I would like nothing better than to hop into the car and just go for a drive. Take the camera and see where I wind up. Oh well. The lottery can be a beautiful thing, maybe.

On the plus side, though -- I found out last week that I was the lucky winner of a six-month WW membership! I was THRILLED! You see, with everything that was going on, I thought for sure I was going to have to quit, and I was seriously disappointed. All I could see in my mind's eye was that 100-lb. medal for my keyring slowly fading from view. And then I realized that, even if I'm not exactly "in the game" at the moment, I'm still in the stadium. Before, I would have looked for any excuse to quit.

With my new, very busy life, I'm going to have to learn to plan, and that bodes well for the weight loss thing. I'm going to have to figure out when to cook and what to buy and what to pack. I haven't started the detox thing yet because I'm getting settled into this new routine and I'm still getting the murderous headaches. But I dug out the menu and printed it out, so when I have a chance, and when the food stocks are a little lower in the house, I'm ready.

Okay, I know there's something I'm supposed to be doing right now. Where is that list?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Things have been quiet! How are you doing?