Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sometimes smart girls do dumb things

Yup. I'm the dummy.

It started with the purest intentions. My cousin and I had planned to go out to dinner last night, partly to hang out, and partly to plan a trip we're taking to Ottawa in June. We had decided on Jungle Jim's. Normally I would not eat a large meal the night before weigh-in, so I decided I would weigh in on Friday morning instead (and still attend my regular Saturday morning meeting.)

Then something went very, very wrong.

Somehow, somewhere between learning I'd regained my "thirty-five pounds off" level and getting to my car, I somehow convinced myself to go to lunch at Boston Pizza across the parking lot. My convoluted thinking? It was Friday, and even though I'd weighed in, it was still technically *last* week because my week runs Saturday to Friday. In other words, I decided that the rest of the day was a legal free-for-all. (Yeah, right.)

So I went to Boston Pizza and I had the beef nachos with extra cheese and guacamole, and then I had the brownie sundae for dessert. I was full as I headed home, but decided that I'd be fine in time for my 6:30 dinner as long as I took a nap. (In other words, do nothing but sleep while that mass of food lay in my stomach for hours.)

The nap didn't happen, however -- the phone kept ringing. Frustrated, I then learned that dinner had been moved up to 6:00 PM. (Well, she said she was available earlier and I said sure!)

As I was getting ready to meet her, I'd discovered that the pictures I had scanned from her were no longer on my computer for some reason. So I hurried to try to get them scanned and was late as a result. Then I couldn't find a parking spot, and then got frustrated by the one-way streets which seemed to be conspiring against me.

So I met my cousin, ordered basically a plate of crispy grease, and then had dessert for the second time in five hours.

Oh, and the Diet Pepsi I'd given up? I probably had two litres between the two restaurants.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. And it had its consequences.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey KJ!!

Thats okay, today is a new day and you got a great dose of inspiration :) Moving forward together!!