Saturday, February 03, 2007

Winter of my discontent.

Actually, it's not all that bad. I'm just biologically opposed to winter. *grin*

Overslept this morning so I went to the second meeting rather than my regular 8 AM one. I was up three pounds, but part of that was the junk food last night (I have to figure out a way to deal with the hockey games) and part of it was probably the result of being at the gym twice this week.

I met with Kim (my personal trainer) yesterday, and we went through the weights circuit. I was glad, because I hadn't retained a whole lot of info from the orientation session, and I had no idea what I should be setting my weights at to start. Believe me, I am sore this morning (had a hard time even holding up my arm for an exercise sticker at the meeting!) but I'm glad I did it. Kim says to do weights twice a week, so I think I'll do them again tomorrow, and then on Wednesday.

After my WW meeting, I went to the gym, wanting to keep up my new tradition. But between being really sore and forgetting to bring breakfast with me, I didn't stay very long. I managed five minutes on the cross-trainer before getting too dizzy to continue. But I figure I at least got there, kept up my new habit, and got five minutes in, so hey. It's better than I was doing two weeks ago.

Today is the first Saturday of the month, so it is Treat Day. Knowing that we'd be going grocery shopping as soon as I got home, and knowing I hadn't eaten anything yet, I swung by the Burger King drive-thru on my way home. I decided that what I really wanted was a Whopper Jr. with cheese, and that I didn't really need the other stuff, so I just got the sandwich. It was yummy (and cheap!), and definitely worth the ten points. (The fries that I wasn't really craving and so I didn't get them would have been another five. Glad I didn't get them purely out of habit.)

Okay, time to head to the grocery store. Just thought I'd check in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey KJ,

need some updates :) been checking in, and its been quiet here - let us know how things are going.