Monday, February 12, 2007

Monday, Monday ...

Hello, everyone,

Yes, I'm still alive, but I need to warn you -- I'm a tad cranky. :)

I am sitting here dealing with my third major cold since November. This one, thankfully, seems to be leaving without the need for pills that look like they're sized for livestock, but my throat's sore and I'm feeling totally drained. I didn't even get up to go to WW on Saturday. My first thought this morning was a fervent prayer that the phone wouldn't ring for supply-teaching. I was in no shape to go, but I didn't want to have to say "no", either. I've been feeling very unreliable lately, and that bugs me. When it comes to work, I pride myself on being Old Faithful, and I just haven't been, lately.

Speaking of "old", it occurred to me last night that my birthday is in three weeks. It always kind of sneaks up on me, coming so close to Valentine's Day. I love my birthday. As a kid, I was always disappointed that it always fell in the middle of March break and so birthday parties were just about impossible. But now my birthday has a bigger significance to me. It heralds my favourite time of year -- The Melting Season. My heart always does a little happy dance at the first sound of running water outside, and my favourite smell in the world is melting snow.

Weight-loss-wise, I've learned some lessons this winter. I've learned that when I'm cold to the bones, I compulsively eat, and I don't stop until I actually feel full. I also eat more when I *have* a cold. (There's something about swallowing food that makes my throat feel better.) Hockey games and money in my pocket are a recipe for disaster, whether or not there's a weigh-in the next morning. And I've also learned that any gym membership in my name doesn't get a whole lot of use in the winter. I haven't yet learned how to combat these things, but recognizing them is the first step, right?

Still, I weighed myself this morning and I weighed about the same as I did around the first of January (254.4), so it's not all bad. Holding still is better than backsliding.

But ...

Thirty-seven in three weeks. How the heck did *that* happen?


Anonymous said...

trying to think where i was at that age. Age of too many decisions.
Ah, nothing has changed in a decade plus one.
Still struggling, and trying to find my path in the wilderness out there,......or in here.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you went. Your birthday will be a great one in 3 more years :) *coming from lil sis*

AS you know I have given up on the WW thing. It's too hard to get to the other meetings and that one fit perfectly into my schedule. Oh well, maybe i can use what i learned and just try to stick to it a bit. Less junk, more veggies :)

Good Luck Older Sis!


Anonymous said...

Wait 'till you're looking 50 in the face, then talk to me about bein' old. 37? You're still a kid! :)

And when are you going to write back to me, anyway?


Karen said...

Ummm, "L"?

I'm drawing a blank as to your identity. Please email me again and I'll write back. :)

Anonymous said...

okay - its been really quiet here again... whats going on :)

SisKris - sorry to hear your meetings didn't work out for you - you are still welcome to attend one here in SJ as a guest!