Monday, January 08, 2007

Monday morning.

Greetings, and sorry for the silence of the last few days. I was away in Halifax, visiting family. Trips to Halifax are always a huge challenge for me, for many reasons:

1) The people I stay with grew up with the same bad eating habits I did.

2) Having lived in Halifax for a number of years while being nowhere-near conscious of what I was eating, I have some "must-go" restaurants that cry out to me if I am in the vicinity.

3) Regular mealtimes are not exactly within my control, and not part of their daily routine.

To make matters worse, my trip to Halifax was suddenly moved ahead by a couple of days because the weather forecast was going to get ugly. My plans of buying "good groceries", weighing and measuring, etc., flew out the window when I had an hour to get on the road.

Anticipating these challenges, the one thing I made sure I did before hitting the highway was to go to WW and weigh in. I was afraid that any trouble I might get into down there would negate my progress of going back on-program. Well, I'm pleased to announce that I dropped 2.6 lbs after three days! We all know that pace won't last (and that's probably a good thing) but it made me happy and gave me just the right boost to head down there.

Knowing that my craving to go to John's Lunch was going to be driving me nuts, I decided to nip it in the bud and get it over with. I suggested we go there for supper (knowing I had more than a week before my next weigh-in, and that I'd been good all day). I used to go there all the time when I worked at the psychiatric hospital next door, and John is the sort of fellow who treats you like you're family, no matter how long it's been. Add to that the fact that the food is awesome, and, well, I had to go. And it ... was ... goooood.

The next day was a challenge, as we went to a WalMart McDonald's for breakfast. They couldn't serve me a fruit and yogurt parfait because they were still frozen, so I had a small container of orange juice for breakfast. Yee-ha. Lunch, however, was awesome -- we went to Extreme Pita -- but it was one of those days when supper got delayed and delayed ... and after dropping off our shopping companion, I begged -- nay, demanded -- to be taken to the McDonald's drive thru so I could eat something. (It was 7:30 pm.) I have never scarfed down a cheeseburger so fast in my entire life. Not the healthiest of choices, but probably the fastest consumable protein option, and I could have opted for a Big Mac and didn't. On the way home, though, I spotted a place where I'd been told they had awesome "turkine" dinners. (Think turkey, stuffing, french fries, cheese and gravy. In other words, a heart attack in a box. When asked, I guessed it to be around 35-42 points.) Well, I had to have one, so I did.

The next day, however, was a turning-point. Not only had I finally gotten some "good groceries" the night before, but it was Day One of my week, and I was determined it would be a good week.

I asked my hostess to drive me to the early WW meeting, as I'd missed the meeting on Thursday (I only weighed-in). I knew that she had been thinking about doing something about her weight for a while, and I also knew that there was a "sit in on a meeting for free" promo going on, so I thought maybe she'd like to join me. She not only joined me, but joined WW as well. And I'm so glad. She's one of the most important people in my life, and I was afraid I'd lose her far too early if something didn't change. We spent most of the day with me showing her what I eat and when, and going through the Canadian Dining Out Guide in shock and horror. (Quad Stacker from Burger King, anyone? Only 26 points!)

So, Saturday I was totally on-program (with 7 flex) and yesterday I was also totally on-program (2 flex). I was going to go out to WW today to pick up a new "starter kit" (I left mine in Halifax because they were sold out down there), but it's storming and I'm not sure if they'll be open or not. I also have my first session with the personal trainer this afternoon, so I hope the roads are better by then.

So that's your update. I haven't yet worked out at the gym, since I went to Halifax early the day after joining and have just gotten back, but I'll let you know how I made out.

Now, pardon me, but I need food. *grin*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good to hear how your weekend went! it will be helpful to have a friend on WW in Halifax.

Make sure you let us know how the gym goes :)