Monday, January 08, 2007


Just got home from the gym (and my first appointment with Kim, my personal trainer) a few minutes ago. In short, it ROCKS!

Kim is wonderful! I was a little nervous about meeting her, partly because I tend to get along better with men than women, and partly because my "fat person voice" inside my head was trying to convince me she'd be an exercise nazi. But she is awesome!

We took my measurements and set up my program, starting off slow, and we worked out a bit on the treadmill, the elliptical trainer, and a recumbent bike. She's very encouraging and very in tune with me and my feelings and where I want to go with this. I really, really like her. (And, I have to admit, I think I impressed her when I asked if the calories burned gauge on the treadmill was taking my weight into account or was just based on an average. She said no one had ever asked that before, and that I obviously knew more than the average newbie.) Best of all, she's into running, so when I told her I'd like to do the 5K this year, she said it was definitely possible and we'd work towards it. We're a really good match, I think.

The only downside to the entire experience is that I got really dizzy when we were finished. (No comments from the peanut gallery, please. *grin*) We both figured it was probably due to the cold I woke up with this morning. My nose is stuffy and my throat is sore, and I'm traditionally a fainter when I get sick. Kim brought me a little fruit juice, and I was good to go. I'll have to remember to bring some with me for Wednesday, just in case.

Oh, and, before I forget, the person who joined WW in Halifax was my sister, aka SisKris. I just didn't want to announce it to the world without her permission. I'm really pleased she's doing this. I want her to be around a long, long time. :)


Anonymous said...

you go girl

Anonymous said...

Way to Go Karen! I really enjoy reading about your success. Congratulations on joining the gym. You are doing terrific! Keep us posted.