Saturday, September 09, 2006

WW Weigh-In #43 - 250.4 (up 6.4 lbs, 38.8 lost in total)

When I was typing in the title for this post, I made a mistake and typed "up 64 lbs", and believe me, that's what it feels like.

In actuality, I've gained back 24.2 lbs since my lowest point on WW, and although I know that beating myself up over it is not on the list of things to do to fix it, I can't help feeling a little cranky with myself just the same. It's nobody's fault but my own.

So hey -- I went back and I'm going to get back on program this week and see how it goes. "Back to basics", as it were. And at the end of the week, I'm sure I'll be able to pat myself on the back, because I'm bound to lose something.

Time to make the grocery list.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey KJ,

How is it going so far - monday evening? I have had three good days in a row!! Woopie!!