Saturday, September 16, 2006

WW Weigh-In #44 - 246.6 (down 3.8 lbs, 42.6 lost in total)

One week down, and the rest of my life to go.

Sheesh, that looks depressing, and I'm not at all depressed. I'm actually quite relieved that the first week back on track is over with. The first week is always the most difficult for me. Once I've been back on program a few days, I have too much emotionally invested in it to screw it up, and I get into "The Zone".

I had a great day today. I weighed in but couldn't stay for the meeting as I had to drive to Fredericton for a different meeting. Fortunately when I got to Fredericton, I had time to stop by The Extreme Pita for lunch. I love that place. I hear we're getting one in our area, and I can hardly wait. I had a great pita with chicken, vegetables and tzatziki sauce for under five points. Can't beat that!

I'm slowly weaning myself off the Diet Pepsi. This week, I'm down to the little 355 ml bottles, one a day. (Compare this to the 3-Day Novel Contest, when I drank 11 litres in a 72-hour period!)

Preparing lunch for school hasn't been all that difficult. I guess that habit stuck better than most. Of course, the fact that I've been completely broke has helped, as I can't buy anything bad and can only eat what I bring with me. This is not to say that there haven't been temptations in the staff room, but the habit of saying "no" to those also stuck over the summer.

For the first time since my surgery, I really feel like gaining the weight back was the abnormality, and now I'm back to normal (losing weight). I almost feel relieved on some level to be back on program. That doesn't mean I don't want a cheeseburger right now so badly I could cry. That just means I won't let myself get it.

I'm finally moving forward again.

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