Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Off and running.

Well, it looks like things are already on the move. Didn't get my three litres of water in yesterday, but I got about half of it in, so that probably accounts for dropping three-plus pounds overnight. I was also really careful to watch the sodium yesterday, since I'm sure my intake on Sunday rivalled the amount exported from some small countries.

The hardest part came, of course, as I was trying to go to sleep. That's when the tummy starts growling, the Eating Machine starts rattling his chain, and I have absolutely nothing to distract me. I did finally cave last night, but only to grab a couple of rice cakes. It was the only way to shut it all up. Since I had been eating fifty-plus points a day for weeks on end, I'm not surprised there were complaints. I was aiming for 32 points yesterday, so 33.3 when all was said and done wasn't bad at all.

The day after tomorrow marks six weeks since my surgery, when my lifting restrictions are, well, lifted. I see the surgeon for my check-up on the 18th, and while I have a few questions for him (like "should I still be getting 'twinges' from time to time?"), things seem pretty good. I know the 65-pound elderly dog will be happy, as she hasn't had a decent nap on the bed, or ride in the car, in six weeks.

So that's how it's going here.

The Summer Mini-Goal:

The Big Picture:

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