Friday, June 02, 2006

The Weight-Loss Journey: Rebooted.

So, it has been more than a week since the surgery now, and I've learned the hard way not to over-do it. (I guess getting into my car and driving around shopping for an hour and a half on Wednesday night was not such a great idea. Can you say "Ow"?)

In the three months during which I was dealing with Mr. GB, I was off-program pretty much the entire time. It was extremely difficult for me to maintain any sort of weight loss attempts because a) I was mad that being good to my body was what made me sick, even though it would have happened eventually, and b) I didn't feel like I was the one in the driver's seat anymore so I didn't have the necessary "oomph" to put into it.

The week before the surgery, I lost a good chunk of my Weight By Date data after a format. I'd backed it up, but for some reason the back-up file was flaky, so I had to use an old one from back in September (only a month into this journey). As a result, I'm not 100% sure what my lowest-reached point was before the troubles started, but according to the blog, it was 226. The morning of my surgery, I weighed in at 238, and two days afterwards I weighed 237.4. Stupid gallbladder didn't weigh much, I tell you, given that I also hadn't eaten much for two days. So, in my estimation, during those three months, by feeding the angry Eating Machine whatever it wanted, and then some, I gained back 12 pounds.

I just got off the scale a few minutes ago, and I'm proud to say that, in just one week since the surgery, by upping my water intake to the three-litres I try to keep it at, and by staying on program most days, I have lost five of those twelve pounds already. (patting myself on the back.) This is no mean feat, given that I'm doing nothing but sitting on my butt in a house with forbidden food all day!

I feel re-energized. I know I can do this. It's going to get done, and now that the surgery is over with, I'm in control again.

Remember, way-way back, when I first discussed my goal of 145 with my WW leader and she thought it was too low? Well, I've done a lot of thinking over the past few months and I've chosen a revised goal of 160, with a WW goal of 165 to allow me a little lee-way with them. Since the GB problems and surgery formed such a natural break in the progression of things, now is the perfect time to revise my goal and re-do the appropriate pages. In some ways, looking at the changed numbers feels like I'm cheating -- upping my progress -- but I know in my heart of hearts that 145 was too low. I don't think I even weighed that the night I "graduated" junior high.

So here's to new beginnings (see my nice new ticker?) and continued success! Let's keep it going, folks!

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