Saturday, April 15, 2006

WW Weigh-In: Week 34 -- 228.8 lbs (4 down this week; 60.4 WW total)

Had a good drop this morning at WW and I'm pleased. I would've been happier if I'd lost in one week what I'd gained the previous week, but hey. At least I'm down, and four pounds in a week is nothing to sneeze at.

I've been doing a little mixing-up of my program this week. I decided to try what is called The Wendie Plan, which is basically spiking your points a couple of times during the week (using more flexpoints one day and none the next, etc.). I had found that the last few weeks, one of my symptoms of weight-loss-fatigue was that I was eating all of my flexpoints without actually planning for them -- just kind of mindlessly eating them and then discovering they were gone. I need more structure than that right now. So, I figured out what I should be aiming for, points-wise, per day on the Wendie plan. And I did great, until yesterday. Yesterday, I just couldn't seem to feel satisfied. But today is a new week and we move on.

We had my former leader, Kelly, today as Mary Lou was away. It was nice to see her again. (Hi, Kelly! *wave*) She talked quite a bit about WW's other part of the Turnaround Program -- Core. I might give it a try in a few weeks. Let's just say my eyes brightened considerably when I realized I wouldn't have to count that stupid oil anymore! (I hate counting that oil!) So I'm going to think about it, and eat up some of the food that is in the house, and do some planning. Starting April 29, I'll try Core for a week and see how it goes.

Anyway, that's the news from here. I'll try to check in a little more often than I have been. It's just not as much fun as updating my little ticker everytime I hit a new low. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi to you too Karen! It was such a pleasure to be there this morning and I so enjoyed seeing "less of you" than when I was visiting in January! You really are doing an amazing job losing this weight, and just remember, we all take a detour now and then. Weight loss is not a 2 lane highway (unfortunately) but taking the scenic route isn't so bad! Keep up the good work and I will continue to read your website and track your progress.

You are going to get little MILEstone at a time. It isn't about winning, it is about never giving up! I believe in you and I know that you believe in you too! How cool is that?

Take care, keep in touch and go go go!

Anonymous said...

Ooops...I forgot to sign my name...

Your friend,