Saturday, April 08, 2006

WW Weigh-In: Week 33 -- 232.8 lbs (6.6 up this week; 56.4 WW total)

I knew it was going to be bad, because Frank warned me this morning.

At the meeting, I told Julie I didn't want to see it until later, so she suggested I weigh in with my back to her, the paperwork, and the scale read-out. So I did. I didn't want to know until I was alone and could sit down and really look at it and process it and think about it.

Besides, I was more interested in how Jenn did than how much into the hole I'd put myself. I was so happy for her at the meeting that I nearly cried when she got her 10%. I keep telling her how proud I am of her, but those words seem so little compared to her accomplishments. She has had her own unique set of stresses that I know I couldn't handle, so the fact that she's going full-steam-ahead is absolutely awesome.

I know that a hefty chunk of my gain this week is just last night's fried-food-fest, and that that part will go fairly quickly. So I came home, popped my lunch into the nuker (750 g frozen veggies, 94 g chicken breast, 1/2 oz almonds, and 30 ml sweet and sour sauce -- see? I'm back on program) and then proceeded to clean the compost out of my fridge. Then I came upstairs and looked.

The stress I was drowning under at the first of last week is gone now and today is the day I start over. In an hour or so, we'll head out to get groceries and things will start moving forward again.

Everything is gonna be alright.

Oh, and Jenn? You totally R-O-C-K. :)

1 comment:

Rosyphant said...

Aww hon, thanks so much. It means alot that you're there for me and pushing for me to do this too.

Today I was so happy. Its 30 lbs, and while I've done that before and never all on WW while they had the 10% program. So I've never gotten the keychain before and it was an important milestone for me. I did cry cause its just more proof that this time its real. Like we talked that night 13 weeks ago (god it doesn't seem that long), this time is totally for me, I'm not on a deadline, I'm doing this for life. And I couldn't be happier with the results or the company :)

I'm glad we have a new fresh week to start today and that you're back on track. I'll be checking in with you lots this week :)
