Saturday, February 25, 2006

WW Weigh-In: Week 27 -- 229.2 lbs (1.4 down this week; 60.0 WW total)

Sixty-pound ribbon! WOOHOO!!!

I really didn't think I was going to get it. After being hungry all week, and then that fun episode on Thursday night, I just didn't feel it in my bones that today would be the day. But it was! I looked at my card, realized the magic number was 229.2, hopped on the scale, and TA DA!

We all know that I live for stickers and ribbons. Well, they've now come out with 25-lb ribbons -- and they're my favourite colour! I wonder if I can convince ML to give me three of them in another 15 pounds?

It was a great day for our row and our little group. I hit 60, Jenn hit 20, our other friend L got her 15, and JJ lost when she didn't expect to. We rock! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to Go Karen...keep up the good work.