Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The number of the skinny beast.

Well, I finally dropped below 230 this morning, and was mildly amused to see that I've lost 66.6 lbs thus far.

It's really getting harder now. I'm about to lose a point from my daily allowance, and I find I'm hungry a lot of the time. Weight loss fatigue has definitely set in, as well -- I'm getting kind of tired of this whole thing. I had been giving serious thought to declaring my birthday on Sunday a "points-free day". Way back in November, I had one such day, and after feeding the Eating Machine what it wanted, without restriction, I felt recharged when I went right back to my weight loss routine. After the gallbladder scare last week, and after having been on program for so long now, I probably won't stray too far anyway, and this might be just what I need to zap my head back into the weight-loss zone.

People commenting on my changed appearance is now, on average, a thrice-daily occurrence, and I gotta tell you -- I love that! I'm now smaller than my husband has ever seen me, as I weighed about 240 when he and I met. The "time machine" sensation continues, as well. As I lose the weight, as I shrink, it's like I'm peeling off negative layers of my life, shedding them as I merrily roll along. I feel lighter, not only on the outside, but on the inside, too.

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