Monday, February 06, 2006

My biggest mistake yet.

First of all, if you're going to Boston Pizza, look at their nutritional info online before you go, and plan to sock away points all day before you do.

Having said that, after eating my planned-for Three Cheese Toast (9.2 pts) and Chicken Taco Salad (14.9 points), I decided to have dessert. Since I didn't plan this ahead of time (big uh-oh there), I looked at what I thought would be the least dangerous and ordered the apple custard crumble.

TWENTY-TWO-POINT-SIX POINTS! For one piece of cake! I just figured it out now and almost hit the floor! Bye-bye, Flexpoints for this week.

So, a word to the wise: do not order ANYTHING at Boston Pizza without checking out the nutritional info first. Even things that look safe (Greek salad, anyone?) could be horrendous (111g of fat and 32.9 points in that thing!).

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