Saturday, February 11, 2006

The hardest week yet.

This has easily been the hardest week of this weight loss journey. It has been the only week I have felt deprived and out-and-out hungry. I will never again accidentally go through all of my flexpoints on a Sunday, expecting to survive 'til the following Saturday.

On the plus side, it looks like I'm down a bit, so that's good. The weight loss has slowed down drastically, as I knew it would. Let's face it -- I couldn't keep up that pace forever. But "slow and steady wins the race", right? And it's not really a race to begin with.

Still, I am soooooo glad that it's a new week and I have my flexpoints back.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! you made it through your first tough week! Now you know you can! Good Job!!

Anonymous said...

It's the tough weeks where you persevere and still experience weight loss that make you so strong! You look great - It's kind of cool to see the "Karen" emerge in your face as the weeks go on. You look great.