Saturday, December 24, 2005

WW Weigh-In: Week 18 -- 244.2 lbs (3.2 down this week; 45.0 total)

Well, here it is -- Christmas Eve! The worst is over, food-wise, I think. I should be able to control things from here on in.

I was ecstatic at the meeting when I realized I'd hit 45 lbs off. That, combined with the five I lost pre-WW, means that I've hit my goal of 50 lbs. off before Christmas. Frank isn't showing it yet, but I'm sure he will.

Also, I was talking to my WW leader about my goal weight, and we decided that the number my doctor told me a few years ago (145) was probably too low. My leader showed me on the chart where she was, and although we're about the same height, her frame is smaller than mine. So we decided that, when I reach 200 lbs., we'll take a look at how things are going then.

I'm all set for my Christmas dinner here at home. I have my labelled gravy, and my labelled cranberry sauce, and I'm ready to go!

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