Friday, December 09, 2005

WW Weigh-In: Week 17 -- 248.4 lbs (2.4 down this week; 40.8 total)

So, I weighed in early this morning, since I'm meeting my family for breakfast tomorrow morning. Although my sister assured me that I would be finished before the meeting started, she doesn't understand Rule #1: Never, EVER eat before weigh-in. And so, I went this morning.

It was a bit rushed getting there and then getting to work on time, but I had first period as a prep, so I got to eat breakfast at a somewhat leisurely pace. I also showed off my latest "10 pound" ribbon that I received this morning.

People laugh when I tell them I do WW for the support and the stickers -- but mostly the stickers. It's oh-so-true. When I get to goal, I'm going to pin each and every one of my ribbons to my t-shirt and wear them the entire meeting. :)

On a not-so-great note, I didn't get to the gym at all this week. Due to some carpentry work happening at my house, my routine went completely out the window, and I've also had a touch of some weird chest cold. I'll do better this week.

I'll also have to have someone take a picture of me so I can get that "progress gallery" started.

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