Saturday, December 17, 2005

WW Weigh-In: Week 17 -- 247.4 lbs (1 down this week; 41.8 total)

I've been feeling like I've been losing my focus lately. First of all, I haven't been to the gym in two weeks. I can't seem to shake this annoying cough that seem to come on if I over-exert myself (by doing anything more than standing still, and sometimes even that does it). And I'm in the "diet doldrums". Christmas is coming and I didn't expect it to be this hard.

The biggest problem is Christmas dinner. I really, really want to enjoy myself, and I can -- as long as I cook it myself. I know from experience that if I go somewhere else, I'll be fretting about what I'm eating and how to count it, etc. And so we decided, for the sake of my sanity (and leftovers!) to stay at home this year for dinner. But now all of Hubby's local siblings are getting together at his sister's place for dinner, and I feel guilty. This is the first Christmas without their mom, and I feel like I'm stealing him. The only solution I've been able to come up with is to time our dinner so that we eat an hour and a half ahead of them and then head over there to socialize. I'll bounce this off his sister.

I guess my Christmas WW goal is to stay true to myself. As long as I don't find myself doing something impulsive, I should be fine. I'm not much for drinking, and as long as the chocolate doesn't have almonds in it, I can leave it alone. Unless Santa brings me Ben and Jerry's ice cream, I should come out the other side of the holidays without too many worries.

And if all that fails, well, I have a 5" x 7" picture of my WW leader smiling at me from the front of my fridge. *grin*

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