Monday, December 19, 2005

This cracked me up.

If you've been reading regularly, you know that a source of frustration for me is that I find a food I like, that is okay in the numbers, and that works well for me, and then suddenly my grocery store stops carrying it. This week's casualty? My Lean Stuffs. (sniff) They've been "delisted", according to customer service. No more one-minute-forty-five-second lunch food for me.

So, out of desperation, I picked up a package of Stouffer's Light Crustini and looked at the nutri-info (nutrinfo?) and they didn't look all that bad -- about the same numbers as my dearly-departed Lean Stuffs. So I picked up two packages to try them out.

Well, as I often do with new foods, I decided to have one for lunch when I got home. I dutifully wrote down all the info on my ever-present kitchen counter notepad, but forgot to bring the piece of paper upstairs to the computer with the rest of my lunch. Feeling lazy, I decided to see if I could find the nutritional info for my Crustini online, and Google brought this up: the Nutrition Action Healthletter.

So I opened it up, and there was my new lunch treat, under "FOOD PORN"! I guess "Right Stuff vs. Food Porn" is their version of the "cheers and jeers" column, but the more I thought about it, the more I laughed. Have I not hidden food in my sock drawer? In my bedside table? Have I not looked around furtively as I'm scarfing down something I shouldn't be? In some circles, have I not heard my weight referred to as something "sick" and "disgusting"?

Maybe the expression is more apt than I thought.

(Incidentally, I don't advise plugging "food porn" into Google, because heaven only knows what you'll wind up with.)

As for my Crustini, well, it was the full-fledged version they referred to “inspired to deposit thick layers of arterial glue”, not the "light" ones. So I'll keep my new favourite on my grocery list for now -- until the grocery store takes it away again in a couple of weeks.

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