Saturday, December 03, 2005

WW Weigh-In: Week 16 -- 250.8 lbs (2.0 down this week; 38.4 total)

Went to WW this morning, as has become my Saturday morning routine. I'm very sore from the gym yesterday, but I'm sure it's for a good cause. :)

The gym is starting to become a regular routine now. I don't have to stop and remember to pack my gym stuff -- I just do. It gets a little chilly, sitting in the trunk of my car all day while I'm at work, but that just adds to the experience (snicker). As my next stepping stone, I'm going to buy myself some dedicated "gym" sneakers as a symbol of commitment. When I did my measurements on Thursday (the first of the month), I was pleased to see that I'm starting to get smaller in places that hadn't been budging. I'm sure that's the gym doing its work.

I love my gym. More and more, I'm finding the people there friendly, caring, and inspiring. I never thought I'd ever have warm, fuzzy feelings about a gym, but I do. When I was there yesterday, they were decorating their tree with paper ornaments, each of which had a member's name written on it. That's personal. I like that.

I'm so glad that the weight is continuing to come off. I was afraid of messing around with my routine by joining the gym, but it seems I'm still losing about the same amount of weight in the same amount of time -- it's just coming off differently, with fits and starts and ups and downs instead of slow and steady.

I just realized I'm at a "point boundary" at WW right now, so I'll being losing a point, probably next weigh-in. In all kinds of little ways, including that one, I realize the progress I'm making. Even the students at school are noticing and are feeling the need to say something: "Mrs. McLean, you look ... good." It's obviously awkward for them to say, but important enough to them that they say it so I know. Have I mentioned that 99% of the time, I love my job? The students amaze me every single day.

The only downside to all of this? I'm going to have to go clothes shopping. I loathe shopping for clothes, but I'm going to have to go soon, I think. Everything is too big. I might even need a new winter jacket before spring gets here.

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